Evangelism / Missions

The Evangelism and Missions Committee coordinates and provides programs that invite people to come to God.  We seek to reach out, welcome, and invite people to commit their lives to Jesus Christ.  The role of this committee is to partner with God to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.  This committee accepts the challenge to support God’s mission enthusiastically with prayers, concern, time, and services.  We work with the entire congregation to reach our goals.  

Our principle duties include:
1.    Spreading the Light of Christ from ourselves to our community and the world
2.    Bringing the Good News of Jesus Christ to the outside community in order to make new disciples
3.    Inspiring and exciting people about the local and global missions of the UMC.
4.    Providing mission outreach to the community

Specifically, we have:
1.    Supported traditional UMCLR missions (Operation Christmas Child, Winterfest, Christmas card sales, veterans activities, Pumpkin Patch)
1.    Supported local community missions (bi-annual blood drives, coat drives, food pantry, and soup kitchen)
2.    Supported UMC Missions (Nothing but Nets to fight malaria, ERT disaster response trailer, Mongolian Mission)
3.    Participated in the Street Fair sponsored by the Ronkonkoma Chamber of Commerce
The Evangelism and Missions Committee strives to develop an atmosphere that is welcoming, inviting, encouraging and empowering.  The Evangelism Committee is comprised of 9 individuals, elected for terms of three years in three classes.