

The Board of Trustees is the Christian steward of the property that God has entrusted to this congregation.  The term “Trustee” is synonymous with “Director” of corporations when required to comply with all laws.  The Board of Trustees supervises and maintains church properties to ensure that all local regulations are met and that the ministries of the church continue to be effective.  The trustees have a fiduciary duty and are accountable to always act in the best interest of the church, congregation, Church Council and Charge Conference.
Our principle duties include:
1.    Overseeing, maintaining and supervising all church property, buildings and equipment
2.    Receiving and administering gifts made to the church and making certain they are invested properly
3.    Ensuring that the Articles of Incorporation are kept up to date
4.    Reviewing insurance coverage annually on all buildings and equipment as well as personnel insurance for the pastor and officers
5.    Conducting accessibility audits of buildings and grounds to eliminate barriers to full participation of our congregation
6.    Allocating funds generated by building usage and the nursery school to repair and upgrade buildings and grounds
7.    Developing and maintaining a policy for the acceptance or rejection of bequests, gifts and trusts
8.    Reporting annually to the charge conference on the state of the church’s property, equipment, investments, and resources 

Specific examples of things that we have done:

1.    Completed development, design, planning, construction and interior decoration of Hertlin Hall.
2.    Completed the Marie Clukey Memorial Playground in conjunction with the Nursery School.
3.    Purchased and installed the emergency defibrillator outside the office.
4.    Updated the parsonage to include replacing the refrigerator, repair and resurfacing deck and replacing the fence.
5.    Installed the food pantry storage closet along with storage cabinets in the hallway.

Management is a key function of trustees.  Particular responsibilities include management of bequests, legacies and trusts, management of insurance coverage for the church, management of church property including establishing building use policies, working with the SPPR committee to ensure adequate housing exists for the pastor and lastly managing of acquisition of property and any new building programs.  Trustees should possess an interest in property and asset management and have the ability to communicate well with people and work effectively with church leaders. Trustees are elected at Charge Conference and are a committee of 9 serving 3-year terms and include a non-voting lay leader representative.